Published On: February 10th, 2023Categories: AI News

Back on January 25th I presented at an on-line event featuring talks on Jamstack, web development and serverless hosted by our friends at Certified Fresh Events. What follows is our rationale on choosing the platform over chasing JavaScript frameworks. A transcript follows immediately after the video.



I’m here today to talk to you about server-side rendering web components, and we’re going to get into that. Unfortunately, we have to do some background information first to get there, but we’ll build up to it.

I’m going to start off my talk by asking a very silly question: have you ever had a dependency break on you?

if you could not as stupid questions

Okay, it’s a stupid question. I mean, dependencies are unstable and can be a time sink. This unplanned work keeps you from iterating on your product, and it’s frustrating.

There’s an excellent quote from Jeff Bezos.

I very…

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