I received my toy music box from Grand Illusions in the mail yesterday, and wanted to make a small wooden enclosure (inspired by http://dustbreeding.com) for it that would both protect it and significantly amplify the sound (its incredible how much louder it is when its against a good piece of wood). We have been staying at our drummer’s house and he had some left over maple from making his drum. I bought some of it off of him and got straight to work. I finished the box later that evening, and I don’t think it turned out half bad for being my first ever completely by myself without any outside advise/suggestion/help woodworking project and for my lack of woodworking experience period.

Shortly after I punched out a little adaptation of the song “You Are My Sunshine”. I dedicate it to the two most important women in my life… my wonderful mother who I remember singing this to me when I was quite young :-), and to my lovely girlfriend, Bre, who makes the world a brighter place.

It turned out a little more playful than I originally intended. I think I will try to do a more reflective/contemplative take on it later.

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