Published On: September 18th, 2024Categories: AI News

Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here
A person writing

Enlarge (credit: Memento | Aurich Lawson)

Given the flood of photorealistic AI-generated images washing over social media networks like X and Facebook these days, we’re seemingly entering a new age of media skepticism: the era of what I’m calling “deep doubt.” While questioning the authenticity of digital content stretches back decades—and analog media long before

Feed Name : Ars Technica – All content

AI,Biz & IT,Features,Danielle K. Citron,deep doubt,deepfakes,Donald Trump,doubt,Facebook,History,image synthesis,Joe Biden,Kamala Harris,Liar’s Dividend,machine learning,media literacy,music synthesis,politics,Robert Chesney,social media,text synthesis,video synthesis,voice synthesis,X
hashtags : #Due #fakes #deep #doubt #era

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