CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WCIA) — The Edison Middle School boys basketball team is undefeated so far. But the coach is also making sure they understand the importance of community through volunteering.
Head coach Scott Olthoff took the boys to the Eastern Illinois Food Bank. He said it serves the team just as much as the people they’re helping out.
“I’m a big believer in giving back to the community,” Olthoff said. “And I thought if we can get some middle school boys involved in volunteering, seeing what needs are out there in the community to give back would be a huge thing for people to see.”
Players spent a couple of hours sorting through boxes of potatoes counting them out and putting them in bags. Point guard Trey Smith said it was a lot of work.
“It was like a real big bag of potatoes that we had to pack, like the packs of potatoes you see in the store,” Smith said. “So,…
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