A new film by Eric Minh Swenson

Helix2: Sculptures by Eric Johnson, curated by Tom Dowling and Leland Paxton, features sculptures that combine shipwright-like woodworking with the resins of hot rods, aerospace industry, and surfboards, all allusions to Johnson’s family history and youthful activities from the 1960s and 70s. He is considered a second-generation Finish Fetish, or L.A. Look, artist, having studied at UC Irvine with Tony Delap and Craig Kauffman in the 1980s, and finding inspiration from others such as Larry Bell and DeWain Valentine. Like them, he has developed a vocabulary that incorporates a fascination with a manufactured, slick look, using industrial materials, but with the addition of his abiding interests in mathematics, cosmology, and biology.

For more info on Eric Minh Swenson visit his website at emsartscene.com.

EMS Legacy Films is a continuing series of short films produced by EMS on artists and exhibitions.

His art films can be seen at https://vimeo.com/channels/76542

Instagram : @ericminhswenson

Eric Minh Swenson also covers the international art scene and his writings and photo essays can be seen at Huffington Post Arts : http://m.huffpost.com/us/author/eric-minh-swenson/

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