There’s Renewed Efforts to Redefine Chicago’s Neighborhood Boundaries...

We all know Chicago as the city of neighborhoods, but how exactly are those neighborhoods defined? And do those boundaries last mapped out in the 1920s still hold true?

That’s what a group of scholars and researchers from the University of Chicago is venturing to find out.

They’re asking residents to weigh in and draw their own neighborhood boundaries through an interactive map survey.

Lydia Wileden, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago, is helping lead the Neighborhood Mapping Project.

“We’re really interested in thinking about how people in Chicago actually experience their neighborhood,” Wileden said. “We have the Chicago area map defined in the 1920s, but we know that that really doesn’t map on to how people actually experience their communities.”

The New York Times recently launched a similar project, which inspired Wileden and her colleagues to do the same for Chicago.

“They got about 37,000 responses from their readers, so we are feeling a…

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