Credit: TheSpAndroid

WhatsApp is reportedly working on a couple of new features, including one called group events. With the event feature, group members can easily create an event, RSVP for it, get reminders, and more.

According to TheSpAndroid, users will be able to create events within a group in community and regular groups. The report also adds that events can be created to schedule voice calls as well as video calls, and a link will be generated for group members to join.

Users will also be able to edit events, including title, description, date, location, and more. Attendees will be informed of the changes, and everyone will see an “edited” text for the event. It is, however, important to note that only the person who created the event can edit it.

This looks like one feature that will get things organized within a group, as multiple events can be confusing. A dedicated…

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